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Construction List - CESSNA 182

  Serial Line No Model Reg Current/Last Operator Status
Not Seen It 182-61238 Cessna 182P Skylane N20828 Merrow R. Loring Active
Not Seen It 18261320 Cessna 182P Skylane N20955 Milan C. Dimich Active
Not Seen It 18261325 Cessna 182P Skylane N72TR Michael Fink Active
Not Seen It 182-61338 Cessna 182P Skylane G-EEZS FHU Tarm Marek Tarczykowski Left Fleet
Not Seen It 18261376 Cessna 182P Skylane N21043 Diamond Valley Aviators Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-61379 Cessna 182P Skylane ZS-LXV GB Kuikens Trust Stored
Not Seen It 18261392 Cessna 182P Skylane N182EF Viola LLC Active
Not Seen It 182-61431 Cessna 182P Skylane SE-FMZ J. Riihinen Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-61436 Cessna 182P Skylane LN-ATU Petter Stroemme Active
Not Seen It 182-61469 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BAFL Rowland Bennett Hopkinson Active
Not Seen It 182-61493 Cessna 182Q Skylane 5Y-BOW Tropic Air Ltd (Kenya) Active
Not Seen It 182-61501 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BAHD Lambley Flying Group Crashed
Not Seen It 182-61520 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BBYS G-BBYS Group Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-61544 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EEDY Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-61556 Cessna 182P Skylane N21315 Clinical Anatomy Associates Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-61588 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BAHX Michael Dennis John Moore Active
Not Seen It 182-61643 Cessna 182P Skylane G-SPCI Kieran Brady Active
Not Seen It 182-61644 Cessna 182P Skylane HB-TLL Pierre Alloueteau Active
Not Seen It 182-61650 Cessna 182P Skylane HA-DIJ Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-61672 Cessna 182P Skylane N737MD Williard F. Thorn Active
Not Seen It 182-61674 Cessna 182P Skylane ZS-WAT K L M Consulting Services Pty Ltd Active
Not Seen It 18261678 Cessna 182P Skylane N21508 Christian B. Newton Active
Not Seen It 182-61750 Cessna 182P Skylane D-ECXS Private Owner Stored
Not Seen It 182-61800 Cessna 182P Skylane ZK-DJN DE & AL Sharp Partnership Active
Not Seen It 182-61823 Cessna 182P Skylane D-ECWX Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-61836 Cessna 182P Skylane N79585 Valley Forge Aviators LLC Active
Not Seen It 182-62121 Cessna 182P Skylane N8GG Fisher Financial Services Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-62147 Cessna 182P Skylane C-FJNU Thomas Vesey Active
Not Seen It 182-62217 Cessna 182P Skylane N486AL Daniel W. Sauvageau Active
Not Seen It 182-62263 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EGOM LSV Hündsborn Active
Not Seen It 182-62350 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BBGX GX Group Scrapped
Not Seen It 182-62473 Cessna 182P Skylane N995SB Jet Air Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-62478 Cessna 182P Skylane YU-GIS Unknown Stored
Not Seen It 182-62479 Cessna 182P Skylane F-BUYJ Bernard Chollet-Ricard Left Fleet
Not Seen It 18262534 Cessna 182P Skylane N52332 N52332 LLC Active
Not Seen It 182-62555 Cessna 182P Skylane C-FLLO National Heritage Brands Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-62593 Cessna 182P Skylane D-ECYM Private Owner Stored
Not Seen It 182-62651 Cessna 182P Skylane VH-DWU Jeffrey Philip Trappett Active
Not Seen It 182-62694 Cessna 182P Skylane PH-PDN P. H. Duin Beheer BV Active
Not Seen It 182-62700 Cessna 182P Skylane F-BVEG Private Owner Scrapped
Not Seen It 182-62704 Cessna 182P Skylane F-BXAE Unknown Active
Not Seen It 182-62713 Cessna 182P Skylane PH-CFY T. R. van der Meulen Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-62721 Cessna 182P Skylane N52624 Skylane LLC Active
Not Seen It 182-62728 Cessna 182P Skylane G-KBEB Kevin Norman Sinclar Hennah Active
Not Seen It 182-62814 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BBYH Ramco (UK) Ltd Active
Not Seen It 182-62848 Cessna 182P Skylane N52792 Richard W. Ball Active
Not Seen It 182-62949 Cessna 182P Skylane N52916 Boston Center Flying Club Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-62953 Cessna 182P Skylane VH-BXW Mark Lynden McIntosh Active
Not Seen It 182-63035 Cessna 182P Skylane N265PL Bovens Quality Plants Inc Scrapped
Not Seen It 182-63037 Cessna 182P Skylane VH-JTA Steven Edwin Spinaze Active
Not Seen It 18263100 Cessna 182P Skylane N7316N James P. Ferrando Active
Not Seen It 182-63107 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EDJW Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-63117 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BWMC Neale Francis Abbott Active
Not Seen It 182-63144 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EOQP Private Owner Stored
Not Seen It 182-63175 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EDBX Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-63212 Cessna 182P Skylane N7434N Morros Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-63226 Cessna 182P Skylane ZS-PWC Dr Janalt Damstra Inc Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-63417 Cessna T182T Turbo Skyline F-BXAU Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-63417 Cessna 182P N609PC Mermoz Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-63419 Cessna 182P Skylane G-CBVX Simon Jonathan Brenchley Active
Not Seen It 182-63420 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BTHA Hotel Alpha Flying Group Crashed
Not Seen It 18263484 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EGHO Luftsportclub Bayer Leverkusen Active
Not Seen It 182-63497 Cessna 182P N22NN Southern Aircraft Consultancy Inc Trustee Active
Not Seen It 182-63533 Cessna 182P Skylane N5784J Valiair Ltd Company Scrapped
Not Seen It 182-63553 Cessna 182P Skylane 5Y-BOE Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-63554 Cessna 182P Skylane G-CDXI Lee Robert Stevenson Active
Not Seen It 182-63566 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BCWB Malcolm Frank Oliver Active
Not Seen It 182-63571 Cessna 182P Skylane 5Y-AYN Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-63610 Cessna 182P Skylane TF-DGA Private Owner Scrapped
Not Seen It 182-63630 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EJTC Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 18263682 Cessna 182P Skylane N4681K Ryan Joseph Bluestone Active
Not Seen It 182-63702 Cessna 182P Skylane N4703K Robert C. Skeffington Active
Not Seen It 18263796 Cessna 182P Skylane N6680M Thomas E. Gregory III Active
Not Seen It 182-63804 Cessna 182P Skylane N713K David Vandewater Active
Not Seen It 18263806 Cessna 182P Skylane N6704M Jeff Billups Active
Not Seen It 182-63823 Cessna 182P Skylane EC-GMM Aerodynamics Malaga Active
Not Seen It 182-63827 Cessna 182P Skylane N797CJ Joseph M. Steim Active
Not Seen It 182-63877 Cessna 182P Skylane HB-CWY Bumble Bee Club Active
Not Seen It 182-63880 Cessna 182P Skylane LN-ASM Nordsjælland Faldskærmklub Stored
Not Seen It 182-63898 Cessna 182P Skylane N6953M N6953M Kemt Aircraft LLC Active
Not Seen It 18263902 Cessna 182P Skylane N6963M Virgil F. Hathaway Active
Not Seen It 182-63920 Cessna 182P Skylane PH-DES Paracentrum Zeeland BV Active
Not Seen It 182-63921 Cessna 182P Skylane N9821E Michael D. Karol Active
Not Seen It 182-63938 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BDIG John Anthony Lee Active
Not Seen It 182-63965 Cessna 182P VH-VES Interair Pty Ltd Active
Not Seen It 182-63975 Cessna 182P Skylane D-EAPK Private Owner Active
Not Seen It 182-63984 Cessna 182P Skylane N691DM 43rd Aviation Flying Club Inc Active
Not Seen It 18264009 Cessna 182P Skylane N9949E Pacific Rim Adventures Inc Active
Not Seen It 182-64046 Cessna 182P Skylane UR-ORV Private Owner Written-off
Not Seen It 182-64059 Cessna 182P Skylane HA-DIC Private Owner Left Fleet
Not Seen It 182-64076 Cessna 182P Skylane G-HUFF Cousins Holdings Ltd Active
Not Seen It 182-64089 Cessna 182P Skylane N82ME George H. Hutt III Active
Not Seen It 182-64117 Cessna 182P Skylane G-BMMK Lambley Flying Group Active
Not Seen It 182-64123 Cessna 182P Skylane N6210F Pablo I. Hopman Active
Not Seen It 182-64137 Cessna 182P Skylane C-GXAE Keith Beuker Active
Not Seen It 182-64151 Cessna 182P Skylane N6303F Commercial Leasing Unlimited LLC Active
Not Seen It 18264152 Cessna 182P Skylane N6305F Joseph J. Gianquinto Trustee Active
Not Seen It 182-64165 Cessna 182P Skylane N6340F Commonwealth of Massachusetts Active
Not Seen It 182-64284 Cessna 182P Skylane C-FTRY Air Cadet League Of Canada Active
Not Seen It 182-64300 Cessna 182P Skylane EI-BCL Donal Brennan Left Fleet
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